Ok, it is May 1st. I am so glad April is Gone. I think of all the trials with treatment and everything involved it is the post treatment month or 6 weeks that's the worst. In Orthopedics, as in most things in medicine, after an injury we all say it takes about 6 weeks for the body to heal itself. Well I am counting on that to hold true.
I am rewiring my brain. Time to SLOWLY increase everything in my life. More food. Overall, I've lost about 20 pounds. I want to gain 2 or 3 pounds this week. I need to start eating more. That may require some force feeding when I am not very hungry. I'm OK with that.
I need to sleep less. I need to wake up earlier, get out bed, and stay awake. Then a nap in the afternoon would be acceptable. Need to try and get to sleep by 10 and get on a schedule.
Exercising; got to do it. I need to do a little more each day. I will walk a little farther, and start some calisthenics to start getting a little core and a little shoulder and arm strength. I would love to climb again, this or next month.
If anyone wants to come over for a walk, do a couple of push ups and have a glass of water, come on over. Namaste
Ready or Not, my favorite Jackson Browne song...... "Someone's going to have to explain it to me, I'm not sure what it means, my baby's feeling funny in the morning, she's having trouble getting into her jeans........". You turned me on that song many years ago, and it has always stuck me, so has Red Neck Friend, you fricking red neck. Steve Santora you are the man, you will get through this. 20 lbs. is nothing, you'll get that back, you know you will. I'm coming over to see you tomorrow. I'll walk with you. I'll do exercises with you. We'll play the guitar and mandolin and we'll get you back on track. I love you brother, I've waited long enough. Tomorrow is the day, I can't wait to see you. You've got grandkids that need their grandpa Steve back and that's exactly what they're going to get. My oldest grandson got back from his mission today. He served in Rio de Janiero and it was great to see him today. Your grandkids needs to see their grandpa back climbing mountains, riding his bikes and playing his music. You've got this thing licked Steve, now it's time to get your mind, spirit and body back under your control. Namaste.